Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Will this work?

Hey guys! Molly here. So I'm playing with different options regarding editing online. I looked at wikispaces, but apparently you can only directly edit the document there, not post comments, and, well, that's the author's job to make those edits. And I couldn't really think of any other online editing places. Any ideas?

We'll see how this works...I don't even know if this idea will come to fruition (wordsmart?). But who knows. And I'm completely avoiding my chem lab book right now haha. Good stuff...

Well in an ideal world I would post poetry/prose/etc on here and we could all comment and discuss the work- if we wanted to put it in Montage, if we wanted to completely flat out reject it, or if we just wanted to chuck it in the "maybe" pile. I'm thinking that this might streamline the process some, but it might just turn out to be completely pointless and a waste of time/technology.

A concern about blogging- all the work would be open to anyone who stumbled onto this url. Is there any way to prevent that? Like...make the blog only open to certain people? I feel like there is a way but I'm not entirely sure. Hmm....any insight?


First topic: any ideas for a theme next year? The people at CSPA seemed to think that a theme is ABSOLUTELYFREAKINGVITAL to the success of a magazine, so I guess we should think of one. Ha.